NEW Comparative COVID-19 Reports
The Comparative COVID-19 Reports provide an overview of expenses related to the pandemic that are centralized in COVID-specific Functional Centres, as well as distributed across the hospital’s Administrative and Clinical Functional Centres.
The reports are broken down into two categories:
- Expenses within COVID-Specific Functional Centres: Emergency Preparedness & Assessment Centres
- Expenses distributed across Functional Centres: Trended results for Sick Time, Overtime, Purchased Services, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) expenses across various clinical and administrative areas
COVID-Specific Functional Centres
The Ministry has provided guidance on two specific Functional Centres to be used for expenses and service provision related to COVID-19 Assessment Centres and Planning. The reports related to these two functional centres provide detailed trended results of expenditures broken down by FTEs, Salary expenses, Variable non-labour non-drug expenses, etc. The downloadable reports also provide expenditures for all Member hospitals to allow for comparison.
Expenses distributed across Functional Centres
To understand the impact of incremental expenses related to COVID-19 across the organization, reports for Sick Time, Overtime, Purchased Services and PPE Expenses are provided by key Administrative and Clinical Functional Centres. These reports allow for trending of these indicators by Functional Centre, with a downloadable report that provides results for all Member hospitals to allow for comparison.
Incremental expenses were developed based on Member feedback on measures most likely impacted by the pandemic. These included Sick Time, Overtime, Purchased Services, and PPE Expenses defined by Housekeeping and Laundry/Linen Supplies.
Submit your Quarterly 20/21 Trial Balance
Hospitals that have submitted their Q2 2020/21 Trial Balances into the BIG Benchmarking system will have access to annualized 2020/21 COVID-19 Reports. Hospitals can also upload their Q3 2020/21 Trial Balances when available to see year-to-date impacts.
We encourage you to provide your feedback on the COVID-19 Reports, what you have found helpful, and what additional information you would be interested in.